Recurring Projects
The Rotary Club is involved in many programs that occur either every year, or on a recurring basis. These projects are the backbone of our fundraising and community involvement.

Rotary Youth in Agriculture – Sheep
This is an inspirational program for Years 9 to 11 school students interested in the sheep industry. Students from across northern NSW participate in a four-day camp in Walcha, during which they are presented with the latest knowledge and technology within the industry and visit innovative sheep farming operations. All aspects of best practice sheep and wool production techniques are demonstrated in very hands-on sessions.
The next program will be held in February / March 2023. Application details will be available later this year.

On the third Saturday of the month (September – May) the club sells breakfast to the hungry hordes that visit the markets.
This activity not only raises funds for club projects but also raises the profile of the club in the community.
On the first weekend in February the annual Walcha two-day racing carnival is held at the Walcha Racecourse where the Rotary Club of Walcha operates the kiosk.
This is a major fundraiser for the club that supports our end-of-year donations.

On the second Tuesday in December the club hosts Carols in the Park, a free event for all the family. Local schools and singers are featured on the night.
Be sure to bring a rug, chair, warm clothes and an umbrella – after all, this is Walcha!

The Christmas stocking raffle has been a feature of Christmas in Walcha for many years. Each year the club receives overwhelming support from local businesses and families who contribute goods and services to our raffle.
The raffle raises significant funds for our end-of-year donations.
Along with other local service clubs and Walcha Council, Rotary is represented on the Walcha Australia Day Committee. The representative contributes to planning during the year, and club members then assist with the organisation and setup of the annual Breakfast in the Park.
The Rotary Club of Walcha supports and joins with its neighbouring clubs for service projects and social events on a regular basis. These include:
- a social lawn bowling event each year with Uralla
- support for the Uralla club’s Art Show by attending a special fundraising ‘Dinner in the Art’
- meeting halfway with the Gloucester club at Nowendoc for a social evening. This is also a fundraising event in support of the Nowendoc Hall Committee
- working with Gloucester to maintain Carson’s Lookout, on Thunderbolts Way
- a combined dinner with the Quota and Lions clubs of Walcha.

Old batteries contain lead, which can be recycled. The club collects old batteries and sells them to recyclers. Donations of all types of lead batteries (car, tractor, solar) are accepted.
The winner of the wood raffle is always pleased to receive a plentiful load of high quality wood, delivered to their door, to help with Walcha’s cold winter.
The club is grateful to the local landowners who provide the wood source.